Enkele publicaties van Nikolaj Walraven:

  • Walraven N, Pool W, Chapman C (2016). Efficacy of copper-silver ionisation in controlling Legionella in complex water distribution systems and a cooling tower: Over 5 years of practical experience. Journal of Water Process Engineering 13, 196-205.
  • Odekerken C, Walraven N (2016). In-situ meten van asbest: mogelijk en betrouwbaar? Asbest Magazine, Augustus 2016, 33-34.
  • Walraven N, Bakker M, van Os B, Klaver G, Middelburg JJ, Davies G (2016). Pollution and oral bioaccessibility of Pb in soils of villages with a long habitation history. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 1-23.
  • Walraven N, Pool W, Chapman C (2015). The dosing accuracy of copper and silver ionisation systems: separate high purity copper and silver electrodes versus copper/silver alloys. Journal of Water Process Engineering 8, 119-125.
  • Walraven N, van Os BJH, Klaver GTh, Middelburg JJ, Davies GR (2014). The lead (Pb) isotope signature, behaviour and fate of traffic-related lead pollution in roadside soils in The Netherlands. Science of the Total Environment 472, 888-900.
  • Walraven N, van Os BJH, Klaver GTh, Middelburg JJ, Davies GR (2014). Reconstruction of historical atmospheric Pb using Dutch urban lake sediments: A Pb isotope study. Science of the Total Environment 484, 185-195.
  • Van Kesteren PCE, Walraven N, Schuurman T, Dekker RA, Havenaar R et al. (2014). Oral bioavailability of lead from Dutch made grounds. A validation study. RIVM report 607711015, Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
  • Walraven N, van Gaans PFM, van der Veer G, van Os BJH, Klaver GTh, Vriend SP, Middelburg JJ, Davies GR (2013). Tracing diffuse anthropogenic Pb sources in rural soils by means of Pb isotope analysis. Applied Geochemistry 37, 242-257.
  • Walraven N, van Gaans PFM, van der Veer G, van Os BJH, Klaver GTh, Vriend SP, Middelburg JJ, Davies GR (2013). Lithologically inherited variation in Pb isotope ratios in sedimentary soils in The Netherlands. Applied Geochemistry 37, 228-241.
  • Walraven N, Meihuizen M (2010). Nikkel in grondwater onder glastuinbouwbedrijven. Bodem 8, 12-14.
  • Walraven N, Laane RWPM (2009). Assessing the discharge of pharmaceuticals along the Dutch coast of the North Sea. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 199, 1-18.
  • Walraven N, Oste L, den Besten P (2009). Meten van metalen in waterbodems met een mobiele XRF. H2O 3, 16-17.
  • Notten MJM, Walraven N, Beets CJ, Vroon P, Rozema J, Aerts R (2008). Investigating the origin of Pb pollution in a terrestrial soil-plant-snail food chain by means of Pb isotope ratios. Applied Geochemistry 23, 1581-1593.
  • Walraven N (2005). Archief in de modder. Intermediair 2, 37-39.
  • Walraven N (2004). Kunstmest is gif. Intermediair 39, 41-43.
  • Walraven N, Favier TT, Bunnik FPM, Abbink OA (2004). The value of natural archives in spatial planning: from cultural heritage to lessons learned. Congress Multiple Landscape, Wageningen, 8 pp.
  • Walraven N, van Os BJH, Klaver GTh (2004). High-resolution reconstruction of air pollution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Abstracts of the 13th annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, A481.
  • Walraven N, Heimovaara TJ, Römer RP, Harkes MP, van Ree CCDF, van Hal REG (2003). Monitoring en beheer van verontreinigingen aan de hand van macroparameters gemeten met sensoren (SV-514). Stichting Kennisontwikkeling Kennisoverdracht Bodem, januari 2003.
  • Walraven N (2003). On-site monitoring with chemical sensors. Macroparameters as process indicators. Special issue InFormation, 40-43.
  • Walraven N (2003). Bagger op de kant! Niets aan de hand? InFormatie 14, 26-27.
  • Walraven N, van Ree D, Heimovaara T (2002). Meten met sensoren: meer informatie minder kosten. Bodem 5, 199-201.
  • Walraven N (2002). Speuren naar oud lood. Intermediair 8, 51.
  • Walraven N (2001). De bodem als stille getuige. Intermediair 27, 119.
  • Walraven N, Derikx PJL (2000). Zelf mest analyseren in een half uur. Landbouwmechanisatie 1, 39.
  • Walraven N, Derikx PJL (1999). Automatische monstername van vaste mest. Landbouwmechanisatie 6/7, 24-25.
  • Walraven N, Willers HC, Derikx PJL, Slangen JH, Ogink NWM (1998). Perspectives for on-line measurement of manure composition. Proceedings of the Dutch-Japanese workshop on Precision Dairy Farming, 109-119.